木曜は英会話の日! ~海外旅行の思い出~
日進市で、主に日進西中学校の生徒を中心に、生徒みずから主体性を持って学び、自分のペースで勉強できる、ICTを活用した自立学習による学びの場を提供している、セルモ日進西小学校前教室 塾長の西尾です。
I’m Nishio, the head of the Selmo Nisshin Nishi Elementary School Classroom, located in Nisshin City. Our focus is on providing a learning space primarily for students from Nisshin Nishi Junior High School, where they can take initiative in their studies, learn at their own pace, and utilize ICT for independent learning.
I attend an English conversation class every Thursday.
木曜は英会話の日! ~Abroadの思い出~
Thursday is English conversation day! ~Memories from traveling abroad ~.
I’ve been attending an English conversation class held every Thursday at Nisshin Bethany Church since last November.
Today’s main topic in our English conversation class was memories from traveling abroad.
A classmate showed us photos from their traveling to the UK 25 years ago.
As we listened to memories from the UK, we enjoyed tea and cookies, creating a bit of a British atmosphere ourselves.
I also went on a business trip to the U.S. 25 years ago.
I went to Florida for a Microsoft company meeting. Every year, one-third of the employees from around the world gather, meaning that tens of thousands of employees fill a massive arena.
After the meeting, a party was held at Universal Studios Florida, which was reserved exclusively for the event.
Even though the park was reserved exclusively for Microsoft employees, there were still long lines for the popular attractions. What surprised me even more was that since it was a private event, all the food and drinks were completely free!
We also counted the countries our classmates have visited, and it turned out to be over 30!
As expected, everyone in our English conversation class loves traveling abroad!
- パソコン学習ってどんなの?
- パソコン学習を、ウチの子はやりたがるかしら?
- パソコン学習の効果は?