木曜は英会話の日! ~日本と外国の作文の型の違い~

日進市で、主に日進西中学校の生徒を中心に、生徒みずから主体性を持って学び、自分のペースで勉強できる、ICTを活用した自立学習による学びの場を提供している、セルモ日進西小学校前教室 塾長の西尾です。

I’m Nishio, the head of the Selmo Nisshin Nishi Elementary School Classroom, located in Nisshin City. Our focus is on providing a learning space primarily for students from Nisshin Nishi Junior High School, where they can take initiative in their studies, learn at their own pace, and utilize ICT for independent learning.



I attend an English conversation class every Thursday.

木曜は英会話の日! ~日本と外国の作文の型の違い~
Thursday is English conversation day! ~The Difference in Essay writing Between Japan and Other Countries~.

I’ve been attending an English conversation class held every Thursday at Nisshin Bethany Church since last November.

Today, I introduced the topic of writing styles in Japan and other countries.


I came across a post on X (formerly Twitter) discussing how essays are taught in Japan and the United States.


Comparing essays written by students in Japan and the United States reveals some interesting insights.


Japanese teachers encourage children to write essays by following the tradition of tsuzurikata, telling them, “Feel free to write whatever comes to mind.” However, the resulting essays are surprisingly similar to each other.


On the other hand, American elementary schools provide strict training in writing structures, along with technical guidance and thorough editing.


As a result, students produce essays that reflect their ability to choose formats suited to their purpose, assert individual opinions, and, at times, combine various styles to create diverse and unique compositions.


Moreover, in Japanese middle and high schools, students rarely learn how to write logical or critical essays. Naturally, they also have little to no opportunity to study the frameworks used for such critical thinking.


それなのに、大学の入試での小論文や大学に入ってからの学びの中では、それらが当たり前の用に使われるため、考え方・書き方を知らない子どもたちはとっても苦労します。Despite this, logical and critical writing is commonly expected in university entrance exams and during academic studies at the university level. As a result, students who have never been taught these ways of thinking or writing often struggle significantly.



Recently, schools in Japan have started to gradually focus on developing critical thinking skills. However, compared to the thorough education provided in the United States, these efforts still fall far short, which is unfortunate.





  • パソコン学習ってどんなの?
  • パソコン学習を、ウチの子はやりたがるかしら?
  • パソコン学習の効果は?



住所:日進市浅田町東田面101 2A(日進西小学校の目の前です)

